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Group Finder

Thriving Together

Find Your Group

"Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."
Hebrews 10:25


Married Couples

Using Jimmy Evans' Four Laws of Love book, this group is a place for young married couples to mature and grow in their marriage! In this group seasoned leaders with years of marriage experience provide guidance and support to couples in their early years of marriage.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

1K - Trinity Fellowship Young Adults

Anyone & Everyone

Join the young adults of Trinity Fellowship Church every Tuesday evening for worship, lessons, conversation and community!

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity, Worship, Young Adult

5th & 6th Grade Discipleship Group


Do you have a 5th or 6th grader that is ready to be better connected and discipled as part of our church family? This group is sure to cultivate growth, relationship and maturity in your student!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Adult Singles


This group of single adults engage weekly in Bible study – seeking deeper roots in God’s truth while enjoying community with others in the same season. Join us! We’d love to meet you!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Singles

Aging to Perfection


We are a group of senior men who thrive on building strong relationships with the Lord and one another as we grow in understanding his Word. Please join us as we share our valuable life experiences and encourage each other.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Arise & Shine


Get to know the girls at church! Let's grab coffee or breakfast and hangout!

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity

At Home

Married Couples HAS CHILDCARE

A place for couples to :: Sit Laugh Talk Hurt Grow Love Heal Share and Eat together! Strengthen your marriage, create lasting relationships, and sit down and enjoy a meal together on the fourth Wednesday of each month. November group will meet on November 20 and December group will meet on December 18.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Becoming One

Married Couples HAS CHILDCARE

Lasting love is so much more than physical attraction. The secret to falling in love and staying in love is realizing what it truly means to become one with another person. In this inspiring series, you'll discover the secrets to having a thriving relationship, including how to know the purpose of your marriage, how to create your soul mate, intimacy in your spouse's love language, and how to overcome negative and toxic thoughts. The secrets to experiencing lasting intimacy, closeness, and satisfaction can become a reality like you never thought possible. Experience the joy of becoming one together!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Bethesda ESL

Anyone & Everyone

We come together to teach English to refugees in the Eastridge community. We have English classes for adults and kids activities for the children.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Missions

Better Together

Married Couples HAS CHILDCARE

All couples (engaged, newlyweds, and seasoned couples) are welcome to join as we connect in community and seek God as we navigate married life through every season!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Bible Project


This small group is a place for men of all ages to grow in relationship with the Word of God and with other like-minded men! Join us for a comprehensive introduction to The Bible Project; we would love to have you!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Biblical Foundations

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

Are you ready to take your next steps to grown in your relationship with Christ? This 10-week class will walk you through the steps to growing in your understanding of what it means to be a Christ-follower. Class book available in the TFC Bookstore.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Called to Pray

Anyone & Everyone

Prayer fights our battles on a whole new level! In an uncertain world we are called to pray; God's Kingdom Come.

Topics: Prayer

Care for the Working Mom's Soul


This group for busy working moms will provide connection with other women who desire to strengthen their faith and relationship with God, but struggle with finding the time in the midst of working outside of the home and raising children. Come be strengthened, encouraged and deepen your relationship with God and other women!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Coffee in the Loft


This group of men ages 20-35 meet weekly to grow in friendship, enjoy thought provoking discussion and of course, drink coffee. Please join us! We’d love to meet you.

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity

Coffee With Jesus


This is a group of professional business men who come together to study God’s Word, pray for one another and encourage each other so that we can grow in our personal and professional lives. This is a great place to come to be energized and empowered.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Connect Group for Anyone and Everyone

Anyone & Everyone

Grow together with weekly discussion of weekend message notes. Anyone and everyone invited to join.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Connect Group for Anyone & Everyone

Anyone & Everyone

Join us as we fellowship and discuss the weekend message notes.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Connect Group for Anyone & Everyone, Ages 45+

Anyone & Everyone

Join us as we discuss the weekend's message together and take time to connect!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Connect Group for Couples, Ages 35-55

Married Couples

Join us for a time to connect and grow together! We will be discussing the weekend message notes in our time together.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Connect Group for Families on the Go

Anyone & Everyone

We know that schedules can get tricky in the spring with games and other commitments! This connect group will allow you connect with a group via zoom in the midst of a bust season. This group will discuss the weekend's message notes.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Connect Group for Girls, Ages 10-13


Join us for a group group discussing the weekend's message. Girls ages 10-13. Dinner is served followed by discussion and time to hang out.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Connect Group for Teen Boys, Ages 12-15


Join us for a group to discuss the weekend's message. We will have dinner at 7pm followed by discussion time and time to hang out. For boys, ages 12-16

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Conociendo Más de la Palabra de Dios


Estudios Bíblicos para mujeres.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Could You Not Tarry One Hour


A gathering of men pursuing God in powerful prayer.

Topics: Prayer

Couples for Christ

Married Couples

This group of couples comes together around the dinner table to laugh, grow in relationship, enjoy one another and praise Jesus for life-giving community! We would love for you and your spouse to join us! This group meets the 3rd Saturday of the month at 6pm. The leaders of this group are excited to connect with you and answer all of your questions!

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity

Crafts & Connection


Dive into different topics that will grow your faith and have fun while doing a craft that relates to the topic we discuss.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Sports / Activity

Deep dive into Marriage with the Gonzalez’s

Married Couples HAS CHILDCARE

Join us - every other sunday - where as married couples we dive deeper into the Sunday sermon! Bring your kids, we will have a high schooler ready to watch the kiddos while we meet.

Topics: Other

Divine Crafters

Anyone & Everyone

This group is intended to encourage, support and learn from one another while quilting & sewing projects for personal and charity. Each person's creativity is divinely given and important. Join us as we learn how to use our crafts to be God’s hands and feet - and also have lots of fun!

Topics: Sports / Activity

Don't Look Back by Christine Caine: Book Study


This group is led by Sarah Wilson and Ashley Smith and they are going through the book Don't Look Back by Christine Caine!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Eat Your Way to Life and Health: Unlock the Power of the Holy Communion


Discover the power of the Holy Communion, and learn how the Lord Jesus provided for our health and wholeness on the cross. Whether you just want to enjoy greater health or are battling a serious illness, Jesus has paid the price for you. Come fill your heart with God's Word concerning health and wholeness, and learn how you can release His healing power in your body through the simple act of eating.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Empty Nesters

Married Couples

This group of "empty nesters" is gathering together to face the unknown and enjoy the new season of living in a home after their children have grown up or moved out. Join them for lively discussions, bible studies and friendship all in one great evening.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

En Garde

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

This group is all about building one another up in their Christian walk in our current culture.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship



This is a women's group that strives to encourage one another in whatever season you find yourself in.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Faith Factor

Anyone & Everyone

This co-ed group of adults focuses on being wholehearted followers of God, strengthening or rekindling the fire and intimacy with our Heavenly Father. Join us!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Restoration & Recovery

Faith, Friendships & Family


Join this empowering group of women as they encourage each other to walk out their truest identity - and therefore discover the power within themselves to be a strong woman!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Prayer

Faith, Fun, and Fellowship

Married Couples

Embracing the next phase of life together! Join this group of Empty Nesters & soon to be Empty Nesters learning to navigate the new normal of marriage, life, traveling and whatever the future may hold. Uniting with other couples in the same stages of life, we will seek to know God deeper, grow our marriages and develop lifelong friendships!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Faithful Finanace

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

Learn to live a more fruitful and fulfilled life with a more secure financial future. Meets every Sunday in March beginning March 2!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Finance


Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

Learn the countless blessings and rewards that come when we fast! Meets every Sunday in June beginning June 1!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

First Fridays

Anyone & Everyone Married Couples Men Women HAS CHILDCARE

This is a monthly gathering for food and fellowship for fun people!

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity

Flourish - Single Women

Women Singles

Flourish is a single women's group that focuses on establishing the Word of God in our daily lives. We connect with one another as we become rooted in God's promises! The focus of this group can be summarized in Psalm 52:8 - "But I am an olive tree, thriving in the house of God. I will always trust in God's unfailing love".

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Freedom In Christ: 10-Week Discipleship Course

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

Bible-based discipleship course designed to help every Christian break free from what is holding them back, and become who they are made to be in Christ. Class book available in the TFC Bookstore.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Friday Morning Prayer

Anyone & Everyone

This group meets early every Friday morning to partner with God for the transformation of our community, state, country, and world through prayer! If intercession is a passion of your heart, please join us!

Topics: Prayer, Young Adult

Full Armor of God


This group of men seeks to bear the FULL armor of God in all things - career, marriage, family, friendship, etc. As part of this group you’ll grow in friendship, learn more about God, and play some corn hole while you do it!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Sports / Activity



¡Ven y conéctate cada mes con este grupo especial de mujeres jóvenes! Juntas reflexionamos sobre la palabra de Dios, hacemos nuevas amigas, recibimos ánimo y ¡nos divertimos! Este grupo es bilingüe y se reúne en varios lugares cada mes, así que contacta a Marian para más detalles. Come connect monthly with this special group of young women! Together we reflect on God's word, make new friends, receive encouragement and have fun! This group is bilingual and meets in various locations every month, so reach out to Marian for more details.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Young Adult

Gathering for Him


Come connect monthly with this special group of young women! Together we reflect on God’s word, make new friends, laugh and have fun! This group meets in various locations every month, so reach out for more details.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Getting to Know Your God

Anyone & Everyone

A group spending time in prayer, teaching, study, and discussion with an emphasis on helping group members really KNOW God in a more intimate way.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Prayer

God is Bigger


This is a group that ministers to men who are going through struggles that seem too big to overcome. We will focus on bringing these issues and struggles into the presence of God. We also focus on seeing these struggles in the light of who we really are in Christ!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Restoration & Recovery

Graceful Movements: A Christ-Centered Wellness Journey


Experience a gentle exercise class designed for seniors and those with limited mobility, focusing on improving strength, flexibility, and balance-all from the comfort of a chair. Rooted in Christian values, Graceful Movements incorporates guided breathing, mindful stretching, and moments of reflection to nurture both body and spirit. Together, we'll move with gratitude, renew our minds, and honor God through caring for the temple He has given us. Join us for a class that fosters fellowship, faith, and physical well-being in a supportive, uplifting environment.

Topics: Prayer, Sports / Activity

Grief Share

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

The loss of a loved one can be overwhelming. This group is a safe place for men and women to grieve losses.We will learn valuable information, not only about the grief you are experiencing, but about hope for your future. We will use Grief Share materials as we journey through our time together.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Restoration & Recovery

Growing Together

Married Couples HAS CHILDCARE

Come alongside this group of married couples as they grow together in marriage and friendship. In this group you'll have the opportunity to celebrate the joys of life, as well as tackle the challenges of life, in a welcoming and encouraging place.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Growth Track

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

Learn how to become a member, find community, live the abundant life in Jesus, and discover your purpose! You can take all four classes on one Sunday morning!

Topics: Other

Happy Campers

Anyone & Everyone

This RV/camping group focuses on working through the challenges of life and finding peace in the twists and turns along the way. Jesus said, "Peace I give to you, not as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled." It can be easy to shift away from walking in God's peace. We all need help staying on the path of peace and being reminded of truth! This group also focuses on the practicals of camping/RV travel, exchanging tips and tricks to make trips smoother and more full of joy! Please reach out to the leaders for more details on meeting dates and times.

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity


Anyone & Everyone Singles

This group of older singles loves to hang out for table fellowship (eating) and fun, as well as being anchored and growing in their faith.

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity

Healing Prayer

Anyone & Everyone

Experience the power of prayer with us! This group dedicates an hour each week to prayer and worship, focusing on those who are sick and suffering. Join us as we seek the Healer for all in need of hope and restoration.

Topics: Prayer

Hearing God


Do you long to hear God better? Join us for a time of learning and growing in the gift you have to hear! We will explore different ways we can hear, see, and know the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for ourselves. In the process, we'll grow together by sharing our experiences!

Topics: Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Bible/Book Study

Hey Babe

Married Couples HAS CHILDCARE

"Hey Babe, I dented the car." "Hey Babe, we're pregnant!" "Hey Babe, I'm feeling hurt." "Hey Babe, I got a raise!" This Group – “Hey Babe” brings fun, intentional couples together to walk alongside one another for the highs and lows of marriage and all the questions in between.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

His Needs Her Needs

Married Couples HAS CHILDCARE

This group meets on Wednesday evenings. Pastor Joni and Gary enjoy sharing their heart for marriage and how God created it to be. Every marriage can THRIVE when its done Gods way!

Topics: Other



The Book of James is filled with practical wisdom calling us to live out genuine faith.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Junior High Gathering


Calling all Jr. High students! Join us every Sunday for your very own church experience including worship, a message, and time spent hanging out with friends. Find us in the Growth Track Room at 9:00am & 11:15am! We’re excited to pursue God with you!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Sports / Activity

Kingdom Ambassadors


This group of Kingdom Ambassadors gathers weekly for community, prayer, and growth! Join us as we bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Kingdom Men


This group is a weekly gathering of men studying the Bible and encouraging one another to grow in our faith and roles as men, husbands, and fathers.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Known, Loved & Purposed


Join this group of women as they learn new tools to live a healthy and whole life! Come take a dive through a journey into Freedom with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as we read through the book “Sozo” written by Dawna De Silva and Teresa Liebscher.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Let's Talk About It


Talking about the regular rhythms of life and how God is in everything you do.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Life Minded


Leaning how to belong to God and each other; experiencing the harmony He intended for the church!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Living Your Best Life

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

Sunday Session with Vic & Machelle Black

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Prayer

Los Elegidos


Somos un grupo de hombres estudiando la biblia y aprendiendo de la palabra./ We are a group of men studying the bible and learning from the word.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Men of Agape


This is a laid back group where we come together, catch up on life, share a meal or coffee, and discuss how to embrace and grow in the love (agape) and the Image of God. We conclude each meeting by encouraging one another, and praying together. We would love to have you in this great group of guys as we growing stronger together!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Men's Breakfast


We meet for breakfast, fellowship, communion, and prayer. We have been meeting continuously since March 2020. Contact Dave Hagberg 806.281.0111

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Prayer

Men's Breakfast


There is a seat at the table for all generations of men! Recommended ages 13 and up. We meet every second Saturday morning for breakfast at Trinity Fellowship Decatur. Breakfast dates: 2/8, 3/8, 4/12, 5/10, 6/14, 7/12, 8/9, 9/13, 10/11, 11/8, 12/13.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Men's Connect Group


Men's week-end message discussion group with Luke Tyler and Ryan Ogden. Meeting every other Wednesday on Feb. 5, Feb 19, Mar 5, Mar 19 & Apr 2.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Men's Connect Group, Ages 18-25


Join us for time to discuss the weekend message over lunch. We will meet at Trinity Street Coffee for lunch and time to discuss.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Men's Discipleship


This group is led by Craig Alexander and is all about growing in relationship with God and other men. They meet at United MKT Street on 98th & Quaker and are going through different passages of scripture.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Mens Early Morning Prayer


Men of all ages gathering to pray for Gods kingdom to invade earth! Happens at 6am every Wednesday. Led by Pastor Jody Wilson.

Topics: Prayer

Men's Group in Wildorado


A weekly group of men dedicated to growing in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man, just as Jesus did. Coffe provided.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Mighty Men of God


This is a group of men that come together weekly to help and support each other on our life journey. We do this through discussion, prayer, and encouragement of one another. Want to get connected, but would prefer to do so online? Please contact Jaime at 806-677-3640.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Prayer

Mornings in the Word!


Join this women's group on Thursday mornings at 9am for friendship, coffee, snacks and bonding around the goodness of God! We are currently going through the book of Hebrews for 10 weeks :)

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Newly Weds

Married Couples

This group is for young newly weds that are between ages 18-30 yrs old. We meet once a month at Natalie and Zach Kirklands home.

Topics: Other

Next Step Forward With Jesus


This Group of men comes together to grow in relationship with one another, share each other’s burdens, pray and grow in spiritual maturity! Whether you’re a long time believer or a brand new believer, you are welcome here! “Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity…” Hebrews 6:1

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Parents and Playtime


This group is for moms who are looking for other moms to spend time with while their kids play!

Topics: Other

Prayer Hub - Don't Mess With Our Kids


Join us at Prayer Hub, where we devote an hour each week to praying for our children. Connect with fellow mama bears as we unite in intercession for our kids. Your presence matters—come and be part of powerful prayer and worship!

Topics: Prayer

Prayer, Pickleball and Praise


If you enjoy friendly competition and intentional conversation, this group is for you! Join these men as they grow spiritually and physically over a game of pickleball.

Topics: Friendship, Prayer, Sports / Activity

Praying for Adult Children


This monthly group comes together to pray for our adult children - no matter their current season of life or circumstances - to live the abundant life in Jesus, and seek the Father all the days of their life. Our work is not done yet, parents! Whether your adult children are thriving, in crisis, or somewhere in between, please join us to fight for them together in prayer!

Topics: Prayer

Praying for Life

Anyone & Everyone

Join this group weekly to pray for a culture of LIFE in our city, state and nation!

Topics: Prayer

Preschool Moms Bible Study


This group is a book study for moms after preschool drop off on Wednesday Mornings. Lead by Kirstie Limon.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Project Bible

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

All are welcome at this small group, which offers a place to grow in your relationship with the Word of God and with other believers! Join us for a comprehensive introduction to The Bible Project; we would love to have you!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Prophetic Session

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

Training in prophetic ministry.

Topics: Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Prayer

Pursuing God's Best

Married Couples HAS CHILDCARE

This group is designed for sharpening one another through studying God's design in marriage and parenting.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Putting the Pieces Together: Community for Parents of Children with Special Needs

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

Are you a parent of a child with special needs? Join us as we celebrate our children for who God created them to be and navigate our unique walk as their parents.

Topics: Friendship, Other

Recovery Group

Anyone & Everyone

Healing and recovery from all forms of addiction with a valuable community of leaders who have and are walking the journey.

Topics: Restoration & Recovery

Rediscovering Israel


This group is for women who are seeking fellowship and biblical backgrounds Once a week we are meeting to go through the book, Rediscovering Israel, by Kristi McLelland!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Revealing Revelation

Anyone & Everyone

Tour the final book of the Bible with eye-opening insights into end times; encouragement, challenges, and warnings to prepare us for the return of Christ.

Topics: Bible/Book Study


Anyone & Everyone

Roadrunners is a community of runners who share a passion for running! Join us every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 6pm at different locations to run a 5k. Bring your family!

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity

Royalty Rise/Ascenso Real


This group of bilingual women embrace their identity as royal daughters of God through Bible study, prayer and community. If you’re a Spanish-speaking woman, please join us!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Prayer


Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

This isn’t a time for us to slow to a crawl, but rather to enter into one of the most exciting times of our lives. We come together and enjoy a great time of community through fellowship, indulging in coffee and snacks, singing a few traditional hymns, and discussing topics and lessons centered on the Bible. This gives us the opportunity to share the wisdom that God has imparted over the years to encourage us in our current circumstances of life. We would be honored for you to join us and consider being a part of a very exciting group of men and women who love to experience life with one another and enjoy living a triumphant life in Christ.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Senior Adult

SALT (Tuesday)

Anyone & Everyone

S.A.L.T. Tuesday Group is a great opportunity for our 55+ men and women to share life together through fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and worship. You will be amazed at how God will establish and cultivate deep, lasting relationships with people who share some of your same interests and values.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Senior Adult

Setting the Course & Stay the Course


Join this group of men as they come together to tackle what hinders us from being all in with God. In this group you will find the encouragement and tools to set your course - and stay on it!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Someone Cares


We are a group of women getting together for a safe place to share and study God's Word and pray for personal needs. Join us as we go deeper in the word and grow in friendship with each other.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Prayer

Stronger Than Espresso


This group is for women who continue to relate to men who abuse them. You are not alone, and there is hope for breaking the cycle of abuse. Join us as we explore the transformation from victim to victor. To join this group in person or online, please call (806)355-8955 for more details!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Restoration & Recovery

Stronger Together


Awaken the dormant dreams in your heart and pave a path toward freedom and healing! Sometimes life’s circumstances knock us down when we least expect it and we may struggle to get back up. But our past struggles do not determine our future! Gain courage, walk into freedom and unleash a daring spirit within you as part of this Group! Learn how to stand up to the enemy and dream bravely again. Regardless of your past experience, God has hope and a beautiful future in store for you! We’d love to have you a part of our Group!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Student Bible Study

Students Singles

Students join us each week with your Bible as we go chapter by chapter breaking down scripture!

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Sunday Students - JH


Inviting Junior High Students to engage in a conversation about faith on Sunday mornings.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship



Let’s get healthier together! Join this group of women as we walk the journey of better health.

Topics: Sports / Activity

TFC Homeschool Families

Anyone & Everyone

We meet periodically throughout the semester and do different things like; mom’s nights, family cookouts, play dates, & dad’s nights! Led by Ashley and Cameron Smith

Topics: Friendship

TFC Volleyball

Anyone & Everyone

This co-ed group gathers weekly to play volleyball and support one another in prayer. We would love to have you join this community!

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity, Young Adult

The Believer's Authority by Andrew Womack

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

Learn and discuss the authority we have been given as believers. You will quickly see Holy Spirit is teaching us to be the New Testament Church! Class book available in the TFC Bookstore.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

The Forge


A weekly gathering of men called to grow in body, soul & spirit.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

The Neighborhood - Amarillo High - 5th Period (First Lunch)


This group of high school students gather weekly at Amarillo High School to grow in their relationship with God and grow in community with one another.

Topics: Catalyst - Reaching Unchurched People

The Neighborhood - Amarillo High - 6th Period (Second Lunch)


This group of high school students gather weekly at Amarillo High School to grow in their relationship with God and grow in community with one another!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

The Neighborhood - Caprock High School


This group of high school students gather weekly at Caprock High School to grow in their relationship with God and grow in community with one another!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

The Neighborhood - Crockett Middle School


This group of junior high students gather weekly at Crockett Middle School to grow in their relationship with God and grow in community with one another!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Worship

The Neighborhood - Randall


This group of high school students gather weekly at Randall High School to grow in their relationship with God and grow in community with one another!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

The Neighborhood - SJCA


This group of Jr High and High School students gather weekly at San Jacinto Christian Academy to grow in their relationship with God and grow in community with one another!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

The Neighborhood - Tascosa (5th Period)


This group of high school students gather weekly at Tascosa High during 5th Period to grow in their relationship with God and grow in community with one another!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

The Neighborhood - Tascosa High (6th Period)

Anyone & Everyone

This group is a Bible study at Tascosa High School where students meet during 6th period lunch for free pizza and tea. It’s a place where we can spread the name and good news of Jesus. We’ll enjoy a guest speaker and discussion together. We are giving God the glory through this group!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Sports / Activity

The Neighborhood - West Plains


This group of high school students gather weekly at West Plains High School to grow in their relationship with God and grow in community with one another!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

The One Where You’re Not Alone


This group is for women in their early stages of life who are looking for a place to belong and be heard! Led by Starmie Bennett and Krista Duffield

Topics: Friendship

The Village


The saying, "It takes a village!" seems to have lost its meaning in today's day and age where mothers feel more lonely than ever. We are bringing back the village with this small group geared towards pregnant and postpartum moms to offer support, advice, and education through their pregnancies and beyond. Whether you are pregnant with your first, newly postpartum, or a seasoned momma, come hang out, chat, and learn about all things motherhood. This group meets on various days & times. Please register your interest with the leaders to receive more information!

Topics: Friendship

The Warrior Tribe


The Warrior Tribe is embarking on a discipleship training journey! Jesus promises that those who are spiritually hungry and thirsty would be satisfied (Matthew 5:6). As disciples of Jesus Christ, we can expect to be transformed by the Word of God! Join us on this adventure on the 2nd-5th Wednesdays of the month, from 6-8:30 in Room 111.

Topics: Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Prayer, Worship

The Word: Trinity Fellowship Women's Bible Study (Wednesday Evening)


The Word is a welcoming community for women of all ages, dedicated to exploring the Bible together in a supportive and encouraging environment. Perfect for beginners, this group offers a space to ask questions, share insights, and grow in understanding of the Scriptures. Whether you're new to faith or looking to deepen your knowledge, The Word provides a friendly atmosphere to discover and connect with the timeless wisdom of the Bible.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

The Word: Trinity Women's Bible Study(Wednesday AM)


The Word is a welcoming community for women of all ages, dedicated to exploring the Bible together In a supportive and encouraging environment. Perfect for beginners, this group offers a space to ask questions, share insights, and grow in understanding of the scriptures. Whether you're new to faith or looking to deepen your knowledge, The Word Provides a friendly atmosphere to discover and connect with the timeless wisdom of the Bible.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Thrive Tribe - Living Life Abundantly!


We are a group of ladies pursuing the abundant life Jesus promised. We desire all the gifts our heavenly father has graciously given in order to walk in freedom and victory, impacting those around us for the kingdom. We encourage one another in our life and spiritual journey though God's word, book study and prayer. Come and Thrive in our Tribe!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Prayer

Toddler Mom Play Group


Join this fun group of moms and their toddlers for playtime and conversation on Wednesday mornings!

Topics: Sports / Activity

Trinity Fellowship Emmaus Reunion Group

Anyone & Everyone

Creating a place for members of Trinity Fellowship Church, who have been on the Walk to Emmaus, to connect with one another outside of regular Emmaus activities, discuss sponsoring new pilgrims for future walks, make pillow agape, organize community meeting and fundraisers and host events for the Golden Spread Emmaus Community when needed.

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity

Trinity Men Sunday Mornings


Come connect with like-minded men! Make new friends, reconnect with familiar faces, enjoy encouraging discussion, and learn about what it means to lead a Group! This is a fun, relaxed setting for men to find community with one another over coffee and donuts.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Tuesday Night Golf


Join us every Tuesday for an evening of hanging out at the golf course. Play a round, hit the range or work on your short game with other members of the group. This is a great way to meet other guys in the same stage of life and create new friendships. Come hangout beginning April 15!

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity

Un Matrimonio Divinio

Married Couples HAS CHILDCARE

Descubrir la bendición y belleza del Matrimonio./ Discover the blessing and beauty of Marriage.

Topics: Bible/Book Study



Nos juntamos para aprender de la palabra de Dios, y maneras en que podemos aplicar lo que estamos aprendiendo en nuestro diario vivir. We come together to learn from God's word, and ways in which we can apply what we are learning in our daily lives.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Prayer



This group gathers monthly to cultivate community within the Spanish speaking/bilingual men of Trinity Fellowship. Come connect with other men who understand and share your heritage!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Who am I? Finding the Truth in a World of Chaos

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

This Group, open to anyone & everyone, seeks Holy Spirit in all things! We depend on each other for love and support without enabling. Together we seek the truth of our God-given identities and seek to become healthier individually and in all of our relationships. Come join us for community, support and strategies to improve our lives and our families for generations!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Restoration & Recovery

Willow Creek Men's Session


Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Prayer

Willow Creek Riders


This is a group of motorcyclists interested in spending time adventuring and making memories on the road less traveled.

Topics: Sports / Activity

Women Connect


Come meet some of our incredible TFC women leaders of all ages and stages! Learn about Groups, make new friends, reconnect with familiar faces, and receive encouragement! This is a fun, relaxed setting for women to connect with one another over coffee and donuts. Find us near the Coffee Shop during the 10:15 to 11:00am session times!

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity

Women of God - Youth


This group of junior high girls meets second Saturday a month at Yellow City Grind - @ 10:00.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Women on the Move


Women on the Move is a group of women who are excited about learning the bible. We hope to move throughout the bible finding teachings and insights that will help us follow Christ and his teachings. “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18, NASB). Want to join but would prefer to join online? Contact Artie at (806) 236-2066 for more details on how to join on Zoom!

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Women's Connect Group


Join us as we fellowship and discuss the weekend message notes. Led by Virginia Oyler and Susan Ogden every Thursday at 10 am.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Women's Connect Group


Join us every Wednesday at 6:30 pm to discuss the weekly message and grow in relationship as godly women.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Wondering Hearts


For women who want to keep their "wonder" for the Lord fresh so that their "wandering hearts" will stay bound to Jesus through the mountain-top experiences and valley lows - basically through everyday life, whatever it may bring. The truths found in the Word as the Holy Spirit leads will draw women from dry places into gardens, refresh souls, and open eyes to see how much our Heavenly Father loves each of us. We will bind it to our hearts so that we won't forget He sees us right where we are.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Word Wealth

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

Discovering the richness of scripture through an in-depth study of God's Word.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Culture/Apologetics



Since we are the workmanship of God in Christ, we will be digging deep into select scriptures each time we meet.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Worship Session

Anyone & Everyone HAS CHILDCARE

A deep dive into the area of worship with Pastor Tara. You do not have to be a singer or musician to join this session! We are all designed to worship!

Topics: Prayer, Worship

YA Basketball

Anyone & Everyone

These co-ed young adults play basketball weekly at varying days/times. All skill levels are welcome! Come enjoy some friendship and time on the court. We’d love to have you!

Topics: Friendship, Sports / Activity, Young Adult

Yes & Amen

Married Couples HAS CHILDCARE

This group's focus is spiritual maturity by studying God's Word and ministering to each other according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that those who "have faith will do even greater things than these" (John 14:12). For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him, the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God" (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship

Young Adult Bible Study

Anyone & Everyone

Join this group of young adults as they grow deeper in community and Bible study!

Topics: Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Prayer, Young Adult


Anyone & Everyone

This group is for the young adults out there who are looking for Godly community, friendship and fun! We meet 2 times per month. Join our group to receive all the necessary information and updates 😁

Topics: Friendship, Singles, Young Adult

Young Adults

Anyone & Everyone

Join us as we deep dive into Scripture! Meet at Ronks house, message for GroupMe link.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Young Adults Mens Bonhoeffer Group


Led by Beck Timmons! Join this group of young adult men as they go through Bonhoeffers book on community.

Topics: Bible/Book Study

Young Family Bible Study

Anyone & Everyone

Young families and individuals learning to navigate the pressures of life and becoming more like Jesus on the journey.

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Young Adult



Student Ministry of Trinity Fellowship Church setting you up to graduate into a lifetime of following Jesus!

Topics: Other

Youth Session


Youth session with Pastor Jon Jones

Topics: Bible/Book Study, Friendship, Prayer